Project goal: The goal of the FORhesIT project is to create an IT system supporting higher education and career development using foresight methods, i.e. interdisciplinary, participatory planning methods and tools, oriented to action in the medium or long term. Its idea stems from the need to improve the competitiveness, effectiveness of the career counseling system and the need to develop the educational offer at a higher level.

FORhesIT will refine the existing IT tool “Horizons of the Future” (“Horyzonty Przyszłości“) and complement it with a user manual. On the one hand, the tool will be simplified and automated (in order to increase the accessibility for users who are not experts in the foresight methodology), and on the other hand – it will be enriched with an original, innovative set of foresight methods enabling the analysis of social, technological, economic, ecological, political factors influencing the area of analysis that interests users, i.e. the labor market, professional development, career path planning.

As part of the project, testing of the tool will be carried out taking into account representatives of the target group, both in Poland and in Norway. The FORhesIT tool will be available in open resources, intended for career advisers and academic teachers for the purposes of vocational education and for students and university graduates for the purpose of creating their own career development paths.

Intellectual Outputs (IO):

IO1 – Foresight methodology for future-oriented labour market

IO2 – Modification and development of the IT tool “Horizons of the Future”

IO3 – Computer-aided process of foresight scenario development

IO4 – Pilot tests of IT tool

Project partners:

  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (leader) – Poland
  • Białystok University of Technology – Poland
  • IMD Pawelec Marcin – Poland
  • Teknologirådet (Norwegian Board of Technology) – Norway

Implementation period: 01.03.2022-29.02.2024

Financing: The project “Foresight-oriented IT system supporting higher education and career development (FORhesIT)” benefits from a grant of EUR 148,620.00 received 85% from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants and 15% from Poland’s Government Budget (Project number: EEA/21/K4/W/0118).


Project Manager:
Jolanta Religa, PhD

Communication/Quality Assurance:
Remigiusz Mazur


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