
The Board explores societal impacts and options of technology and science; stimulates public debate on technology; and advises the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget) and other governmental bodies on technological issues. The Board furthermore monitors international technological trends and methods for technology assessment.


The Norwegian Board of Technology has 15 members appointed by the Government. The members have a broad insight in different areas of technology, innovation and societal issues. Chairman of the Board is Siri Hatlen.

The secretariat is situated close to the parliament building and government offices in Oslo, co-located with the National Committees for Research Ethics.

The Board has an annual budget of approximately NOK 9 million. The work is organised in projects, and the Board sets its own agenda. The secretariat manages the projects and reports to the Board. The Norwegian Research Council acts as the supervising authority.


  • Identify and analyse major technological challenges and aim to further a humane and sustainable technological development.
  • Monitor international trends, developments and activities within technology assessment and technological foresight.
  • Actively stimulate public debate on technology related issues and thereby raise public awareness concerning the impacts and options of technology.
  • Initiate reports and holistic assessments of the potential benefits and consequences of specific technologies for both individual citizens and the society at large.
  • Communicate the results of its work to the Parliament, governmental authorities and the wider society.


The Board uses a variety of methods for assessing technology, ranging from participatory methods such as citizens’ panels, consensus conferences, scenario workshops and open hearings, to interdisciplinary working groups on the expert level. The Norwegian Board of Technology in particular makes use of participatory methods in technology assessment in order to strengthen the voice of lay people.


The Board shall impart the results of its work to the Parliament, other authorities and society at large. This is done through newsletters, reports and other documents, as well as through media activities. The Board has established a series of newsletters to the Parliament and also contributes to parliamentary hearings and responds to requests from MPs.


The Norwegian Board of Technology is a member of the European Parliamentary Technology Assessment Network (EPTA). Institutions doing parliamentary technology assessment in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Flanders, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament form the network. Statements and debates on new technologies, institutional cooperation with political milieus, and development of methods for allowing lay-people to take part in the assessment of new technology, are important elements in the EPTA cooperation.

Contact information

The Norwegian Board of Technology
Kongens gate 14
N-0150 Oslo
Tel: +47 – 23 31 83 00

E-mail: post@teknologiradet.no


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