Artificial Intelligence and Democracy – EPTA report 2024
This report describes what is at stake in the relationship between AI and democracy and presents policy examples and recommendations to help parliaments reap the benefits of AI while safeguarding democratic principles and values. 19 EPTA member organisations have contributed.

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Norway
Generative AI can create text, video, and images, and solve advanced tasks. The development is moving rapidly and will have an impact across all areas of society. This report describes the technology, its potential societal impact, and proposes measures for Norway.

EPTA Report 2023: Generative Artificial Intelligence – Opportunities, Risks and Policy Challenges
The 2023 EPTA report on Generative AI was released at the annual EPTA conference in Barcelona and is the result of the collaborative efforts of the European Parliamentary Technology Assessment (EPTA) network.

The Metaverse and human rights
When Facebook changed its name to Meta in 2021, it gave new life to a concept known from science fiction.

Artificial Intelligence in the Clinic
This report identifies six trends for artificial intelligence in healthcare, and discusses the opportunities and challenges associated with each trend.

Hydrogen production in Norway
To achieve zero CO2 emissions, the world must decarbonize areas where hydrogen is better suited than batteries. This policy brief explains opportunities and challenges for a large scale production of hydrogen in Norway.

Digital opportunities for mental health care
This short report presents the opportunities and challenges associated with digital mental health care and describes the technological tools available.

Commercial tracking in the public sector
The public sector currently contributes to data about citizens being collected and shared with the largest players in the surveillance economy. This is a democratic issue, as it is not possible to opt out of such surveillance and a competitive policy issue because it strengthens digital monopolies.

Vaccine passports – a way forward to reopening?
In this short publication, the NBT draws up various use cases, advantages and disadvantages concerning digital vaccine certificates.

A streaming service for learning – new visions for lifelong learning in Norway
In the coming years, more than 800,000 jobs in Norway are expected to undergo radical changes due to new technology. It is therefore essential that workers and job seekers can reorient themselves.

Digital Contact Tracing in Norway
The health authorities’ strategy for opening Norway after covid-19 lockdown is targeted testing, isolation, contact tracing, and quarantine.

Facial Recognition and Privacy
Facial recognition is becoming widespread and can be used in a range of areas, such as unlocking your smartphone or making payments. However, it can also facilitate mass surveillance – without public awareness.

Dementia care in 2035 – final report from a scenario project
The Norwegian Board of Technology has gathered a variety of stakeholders to discuss scenarios for dementia care in 2035. The goal was to identify opportunities and dilemmas, and to develop a plan of action for policy makers.

EPTA report 2019: Technologies in care for older people
The theme of thi EPTA report deals with technologies and social innovations in elderly care.

Elections, technology, and political influencing
Social media is a tool that can strengthen communication and the public conversation. However, the same digital tools can be used to secretly manipulate voters, as well as spreading fake news and disinformation.

5G – what does it mean for Norway?
While 3G gave us data and mobile apps, and 4G provided video streaming, 5G will have significant implications across several dimensions: higher speed, the Internet of Things (IoT), low latency and guaranteed capacity.

EPTA (2018) Towards a digital democracy – Opportunities and challenges
The 2018 EPTA report focuses on the topic of democracy in the era of artificial intelligence, quantum technologies and blockchain.

Self-Driving Cars: The Technology Behind and the Way Forward
The Norwegian government has made it possible to test self-driving cars on Norwegian roads. Self-driving vehicles will provide new opportunities, but also new challenges.

Technology for Lifelong Learning
New technology is changing jobs and our need for skills in society.

Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities, Challenges and a Plan for Norway
Artificial intelligence may change the world as we know it. This report explains what it is and why Norway needs to address it.

CIMULACT: Engaging citizens in shaping a desirable and sustainable future
CIMULACT has given concrete and unique input to EU’s research and innovation agenda based on visions from citizens in 30 European countries.

CIMULACT: Inspiration Catalogue for consulting different groups
In a comprehensive ‘Inspiration Catalogue’ we share 11 participatory methods developed or adapted by CIMULACT to engage citizens in research and innovation

This time its personal: The digital shift in the public sector
What kind of health revolution do we want? Scenarios for the future of health and care in Norway 2030

EPTA report: The future of labour in the digital era – Norway

EPTA report: The Future of Labour in the Digital Era. Ubiquitous Computing, Virtual Platforms, and Real-time Production

Online with the public – How smartphones and social media are creating new opportunities for the Norwegian police

Predictive policing – Can data analysis help the police to be in the right place at the right time?
The comprehensive report from the Citizen Summit on Privacy, Security and Surveillance in Oslo, February 2014
EPTA Report: Productivity in Europe and the United States – Technology Trends and Policy Measures
The future of ageing. Policy report on technology, innovation and organisation in European health care
Made in Norway? How Robots, 3D-printers and Digitalisation Bring New Opportunities for Norwegian Industry
The comprehensive report from the Citizen Summit on Privacy, Security and Surveillance in Oslo, February 2014
Security Decisions – Introduction to DESSI
The EU-financed project DESSI (Decision Support on Security Decision) developed a decision support tool for decision makers.

Parliamentary Technology Assessment in Europe: An overview of 17 institutions and how they work

Routes to sustainable transport
The purpose of this report is to help to exchange knowledge to policy-makers by providing an overview of current developments, major challenges, policies and strategies in the EPTA member countries and regions.